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Uplifting Black Voices

Writer's picture: L.T.L.T.

Lesson Selected: #6, Vices

In this lesson, students will be discussing mental health and wellness using the song “Vices” by the Hip Hop group S.O.A.P. 

Students will gain background information on the issues affecting Black mental health in Canada.

Course: AMG/AMI/AMK/AMS/AMV 2O1   

Grade Level: 10

Curriculum Expectations:

B1.1 listen to selections that represent a variety of musical styles and genres, and describe and reflect on their responses to them

B1.4 conduct research to gather information relating to music, musicians, and the musical opinions or analysis of others 

B3.1 explain how the study of music has contributed to their personal growth (including the development of their values), their ability to express themselves, their awareness of social and environmental issues, and their understanding of others

Unit Context:

This lesson could be a part of a Hip Hop and Social Justice in Canada unit. Presenting students with lessons 1-5 on the Musicounts website prior to this lesson would be a good way to build foundational skills and discussion. After the lesson, an extension assessment could be to have students compose their own Hip Hop verse that addresses mental health. 


Students will be assessed formatively through full-class discussions, peer and group discussions, and classroom observations. They will also complete an exit-ticket at the end of the learning activity that will consolidate their learning. Though summative assessment is not conducted in this lesson, this learning activity could be an introduction to a summative assignment that has students composing their own lyrics and/or spoken word.

B - Bridge In: 

A story, an interesting fact related to your content, a question, an Icebreaker or relating this session to your last session (if applicable) 

Peer discussion: What is a song that always cheers you up? 

O – Outcomes: 

What you want the students to get out of the session 

1. Students will use the song “Vices” to gain background information on Black mental health in Canada and hold safe and supportive discussions on mental health

2. Use song lyrics to make connections and comparisons to societal pressures 

3. Consider the social conditions that affect mental health in Black communities and explore the mental health resources available in Canada

P – Pre-Assessment: 

Determining what the students already know about the topic (pose a question, do a quiz, ask about what they want to learn or where they are feeling challenged with the topic, provide a self-assessment worksheet) 

Full-class discussion: 

Have students discuss their observations from the video.

  1. Read Mental Health and the Black narrative - breaking down barriers 

Have students discuss their observations with an elbow partner.

P – Participatory Learning Activity: 

The activity you’ve planned about the topic (think-pair-share, a worksheet activity, a discussion activity etc.) 

In groups:

  1. Review the “Vices” lyrics (print-outs of lyrics available to students)

  2. Listen to: “Vices

  3. Discuss: 

    • What is the significance of the line “Watch me smile all picture perfect cracking jokes like nothing hurts?” 

    • What pressures is Scribe facing in Verse 2? What stressors (or challenges) do teenagers face? 

    • What social situations that negatively affect the mental health of Black people does Scribe highlight in Verse 3 of “Vices?” Of his perspectives, which do you agree or disagree with? 

  4. Read: Changing the tune on tortured artists and musicians’ mental health (CBC) 

P – Post-Assessment: 

Determining if the students achieved the outcomes (verbal check-in, “one thing you plan on using”, or just your feedback form) 

Students will be assessed formatively throughout the lesson. During the bridge-in activity and full class discussion, I will gauge students' interest and participation levels. During the participatory learning activity, students will have successfully achieved the outcomes when they have shared their learnings and findings. The exit ticket completed during the summary portion of the lesson will help me identify some of the areas students may still have outstanding questions on, and allow me to better plan for future lessons. 

S – Summary 

Re-state the purpose and highlight key points 

  • Have students complete an exit ticket (available on the Online classroom or on paper).

  • Ask students to identify something they learned from the activity, a challenge they ran into, and something that they still have a question about

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