Lesson Context: Language Revitalization and Indigenous Gathering Song Workshop
Grade Level: 10
Curriculum Expectations:
B1.1 listen to selections that represent a variety of musical styles and genres, and describe and reflect on their responses to them
B2.2 describe significant contributions of individuals within a community or culture to genres of traditional, commercial, and/or art music
C2.2 identify and describe shared and unique characteristics of traditional and contemporary music
Unit Context:
This is a workshop lesson that was co-created with a guest speaker for my Music classes. We worked together to include context on language loss, language revitalization, and music and language. It can be part of an ongoing unit on Canadian Music and tie into Music History. The presenter will cover the slides on language loss and revitalization, as well as lead the Gathering Song. The teacher will explain the slides on music and language. This lesson should be adapted to fit your classroom context and will differ depending on the guest you are bringing in. For example, the artist may choose to use a different song and will have a different perspective on language loss and what it means to them.
Students will be assessed formatively through full-class discussions, participation, and classroom observations. They will also complete an exit-ticket at the end of the learning activity that will consolidate their learning.
B - Bridge In:
Pose the question, “what languages are represented in this classroom?” Collect responses and either write them down on the front board, or create a word cloud using Mentimeter. Students will be able to visually see what similarities and differences they have with languages spoken at home.
O – Outcomes:
1. Identify causes for language loss and describe strategies that can be used to revitalize endangered languages
2. Describe connections between language, culture, identity, and community
3. Explore examples of Indigenous music using the Gathering Song and participate in a facilitated drum circle
P – Pre-Assessment:
Peer discussion: “What do you think of when you hear the term, language loss?”
Guest artist presentation:
Language loss
Language revitalization
Teacher presentation:
Language and music
P – Participatory Learning Activity:
Class listening: Our Awakening/Gathering Song
The guest artist will review the diction and phonetics. Students will participate in a facilitated drum circle and can sing along with the chorus or where the artist sees fit.
P – Post-Assessment:
Students will complete an exit ticket. This will help me identify some of the areas students may still have outstanding questions on. For questions that I cannot answer, I will collect and give to the guest artist to see if they can provide explanations.
S – Summary
Have students complete an exit ticket (available on the Online classroom or on paper).
Ask students to identify something they learned from the activity, a challenge they ran into, and something that they still have a question about.
Students can present a verbal, card, etc. thank you/acknowledgement to the guest speaker. Teacher/school can arrange with the guest speaker prior to the workshop about a tobacco offering.