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Members strive to be current in their professional knowledge and recognize its relationship to practice. They understand and reflect on student development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and related policies and legislation to inform professional judgment in practice.



  • BeepBox Workshop

  • OMEA Coding Compositions Lesson Plan

  • Music Composition Unit Plan 

  • Puppetry Unit Plan


Mar 2021

I created and adapted this workshop for a virtual setting by recording the instructional portion with a video software called Loom. Participants were introduced to some compositional elements and then asked to create their own works using the electronic beats and loops maker, BeepBox. The workshop is designed to introduce these concepts sequentially, with opportunities for creativity, discussion, and reflection. 

Attached files: Workshop video, Google Slides presentation, lesson plan, and workshop reflection.


Mar 2021

I co-authored and published a Coding Composition lesson plan with an associate teacher for the Ontario Music Educators’ Association. The lesson plan was derived from two lessons I created for my education classes, and then later taught during practicum. 

This lesson covers curriculum expectations including; The Creative Process, The Elements of Music, Techniques and Technologies, Skills and Personal Growth, and Theory and Terminology. Students will learn about messages that can be encoded in musical pieces through a variety of examples. Students will then use an online Morse Code generator or musical cryptogram generator to encode a message that will be used as the rhythmic basis for an original composition in BeepBox or music notation software.

Screen Shot 2021-05-02 at 5.07.21 PM.png


Feb 2021

I wrote this unit plan for my I/S Teaching Music course. The topic is on Composition and designed for Grade 9 Open Music. This unit addresses six overall expectations from all three strands in the Music curriculum document. Highlights from this unit plan include; interactive music lessons on chordal accompaniment, études, and bucket drumming. There are a variety of teaching strategies and engaging learning experiences such as; key signature bingo, Kahoot's, Jamboards, as well as opportunities for students to share their creative work at a class coffee house performance. There are also accommodation opportunities for students. I later revised this unit plan and made modifications for my Grade 11/12 Music York SVS practicum.

You can view the revised unit plan outline under the Professional Practice tab).




Feb 2021

I wrote this unit plan for my I/S Teaching Dramatic Arts course. The topic is on Puppetry and designed for Grade 9 Open Drama. This unit will provide students with insight on the importance of characterization, movement, gestures, executing stage and puppet movement effectively, tone, and voice techniques. Students will have the opportunity to showcase all that they have learned in this unit through the creation of puppet characters, and a final group performance where they will not only be executing their understanding of characterization, but also the discipline it takes to thoughtfully rehearse and perform for an audience.

These drama experiences will develop self-motivation, self-confidence, and a sense of responsibility. 


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