For my PD presentation, I am going to be researching ways to cultivate creativity through interdisciplinary subjects which include Music, Science, and Social and Emotional Learning. The reason I have selected this topic is because I value cross-curricular learning opportunities which encourage me to step outside of my comfort zone and learn about new things. Students also gain a deeper understanding for learning across multiple subjects and may find new interests in areas they were not aware about. I will be going about this PD presentation independently.
I plan to begin my research by reviewing the appropriate Ontario curriculum for The Arts, Science, and SEL. My current draft is to discuss how music affects the brain and our emotions. After finalizing my ideas, I will speak to my colleagues who teach Science to get their thoughts and suggestions. Throughout the research process, I plan to read articles and watch videos on cultivating creativity through Music, Science, and other cross-curricular subjects.
I will be structuring my PD presentation in the form of a Google Slides presentation. The presentation will be formatted as such: a minds-on activity, the lesson content, a guided, hands-on activity, and a lesson wrap-up/consolidation. This PD presentation will later be adapted to a lesson plan that I can do in my own classroom.
Stratford, August 2022